Own the Room: How to Captivate Any Audience with Powerful Storytelling

The Power of Storytelling in Public Speaking

I’ve always been a natural storyteller. Even as a teenager speaking in youth ministry, I had a tendency to lean into a moment rather than just listing events. But I didn’t fully understand what I was doing until I attended Lisa Nichols’ Speak & Write event. It was there that I learned how to tell a valley story—how to unpack a single moment rather than simply narrating a chain of events.

That lesson changed everything for me.

Storytelling isn’t just an extra skill for speakers—it’s the secret weapon of every powerful communicator. Whether you’re on stage, in a boardroom, or pitching your business, people connect through emotions, not just information. The facts might be important, but stories make them memorable.

Why Storytelling is the Secret Weapon of Great Speakers

No matter where you come from or what your background is, there’s one thing we all share: emotion. We all know what it feels like to experience joy, grief, excitement, disappointment. That emotional connection is what makes storytelling so much more engaging than just listing facts.

💡 Think about it: If you hear a speaker rattling off statistics, you might retain one or two key points—but if they share a story that moves you, you’ll remember the message forever.

Storytelling anchors your content in the listener’s mind. It gives them a mental marker—something to associate with the information you’re sharing. When people feel emotionally connected, they begin to trust you. And people buy from, follow, and are influenced by those they trust.

This is why storytelling is essential for entrepreneurs, executives, and professionals—it builds rapport, strengthens influence, and makes you unforgettable.

The 3 Biggest Mistakes Speakers Make with Storytelling

Even though storytelling is a powerful tool, many speakers make critical mistakes that diminish their impact. Here are the top three:

1️⃣ Telling a Chain of Events Instead of Unpacking One Moment

Too many speakers try to take their audience on an entire journey instead of diving deep into one powerful moment.

“I was born in Miami. My parents worked full-time jobs. I went to Catholic high school. I had a great upbringing.”
Instead, focus on one defining moment that changed everything for you.

💡 Fix It: Choose one moment that represents a turning point, an emotional shift, or a breakthrough. When you go deep into that moment, your audience will feel it with you.

2️⃣ Telling a Story That Doesn’t Connect to the Message

Some speakers have great stories, but they don’t tie them back to the point of their talk. The audience may enjoy the story—but if they don’t understand what they were supposed to learn from it, what was the point?

💡 Fix It: Before telling a story, ask yourself:

🤔 Does this story support my core message?
🤔 Will this help my audience understand my point better?
🤔 Does my story lead naturally into my takeaway?

When the story and the message align, it creates an unforgettable impact.

3️⃣ Going Off on Tangents

Have you ever listened to a speaker who started telling a story… and then got lost in unnecessary details? Suddenly, they’re deep in the weeds, and the audience has forgotten where they started.

How To Fix It:

  • Practice with a timer. If your story is taking too long to get to the point, it’s too broad.

  • Watch your own recordings. See where you start losing focus, and trim the excess.

  • Stick to the emotion. Cut anything that doesn’t add to the emotional impact of your moment.

How to Craft a Captivating Story in Your Speech

In my coaching program, I teach a structured approach to storytelling. Schedule a 1:1 with me to discuss the full method, but I’ll share a few key principles:

📌 Start with the End in Mind – Before choosing a story, decide what action or feeling you want your audience to walk away with.

📌 Find a Story That Aligns with Your Goal – Your story should support the message, not distract from it.

📌 Use Emotion, Not Just Words – Body language, voice inflection, and intentional pauses can bring your story to life.

🚀BONUS: AN IMMEDIATE way to instantly improve your storytelling is by using descriptive emotions instead of just naming them. Instead of saying “I was nervous,” describe the experience: “My heart was pounding, my palms were sweating, and I felt like my breath was stuck in my throat.” This pulls the audience into the moment with you.

What If You Feel Like You Don’t Have Any Good Stories?

Many people tell me, “I don’t have any good stories to tell.” But that’s never true. Every life experience holds a story—sometimes, we just need help finding it.

💡 Start here:

Think about a time when you:

1️⃣ Overcame a challenge
2️⃣ Learned something the hard way
3️⃣ Had a turning point that changed your mindset

There’s always a story waiting to be told—it’s just a matter of learning how to frame it.

Final Thoughts: Your Story is Your Superpower

If you feel like your storytelling needs improvement, the best thing you can do is practice. Social media is a great place to start—Instagram Reels, YouTube videos, or even LinkedIn posts force you to be concise and engaging.

Your story has the power to influence, inspire, and impact lives. The more you own it, the more confident you’ll become.

💡 Want to master storytelling and captivate any audience? Schedule a free discovery call with me to discuss coaching and get personalized help with crafting impactful stories for your speaking engagements!

🎤 Your voice is powerful. Your story is worth telling. Now go share it.


Speak Boldly: How to Own Your Voice with Confidence


The 5 Biggest Mistakes Speakers Make (And How to Fix Them Fast)